Water Monitoring
Eco Environmental’s range of water sampling equipment will cover all your groundwater and surface water monitoring requirements as well as a range of open water sampling equipment.
View our complete range of pumps, water level meters, and multi-parameter water quality meters that are suitable for all water testing needs.
Water Quality Meters
The best in handheld portable and multi-parameter meters, ph test kits; pocket testers & marine-turbidity-loggers.
TPS Ranger
YSI Remote Monitoring Buoys
EXO1 Sonde
Hanna 9828 / 9829
YSI Pro Quatro
TPS WP Series
TPS 90 Series
Hanna Portable Series
YSI EcoSense Hand Held Series
Hanna Pocket Testers
Eco NTU Marine Turbidity Logger
Hanna Test Kits
Horiba U-52 Water Quality Meter
Surface & Open Water Samplers
A range of samplers for specific types of water sampling requirements
Van Dorn Sampler
ISCO Water Samplers
ECO Telescopic Sampler
Groundwater Samplers & Pumps
A range of high and low-flow pumps and other sampling products to cover the full range of bore and open water pumping and sampling
Hydrasleeve Water Samplers
Micropurge Lowflow Kit
Geotech Low Flow Bladder Pump
Geotech SS Geosub
Proactive 12v Groundwater Pumps - Plastic
Proactive 12v Groundwater Pumps – Stainless Steel
Geotech Peristaltic Pump
Pegasus Athena Mini Peristaltic Pump
Waterra Powerpack
Waterra Hand Lever Pump
Water Level Meters
For reliable and accurate measurement of groundwater levels, our Water Level Meters come in a full range of lengths to suit your needs
Heron Dipper T2
Heron Conductivity Plus Level + Temp Meter
Heron Water Tape
Solinst 101 Water Level Meter
Solinst 102 Water Level Meter
Heron dipper-Tag
Oil-Water Interface Meters
For reliable and accurate measurement of thickness of any hydrocarbon layer in groundwater
Heron Interface Meter
Downhole Bore Cameras
Heron dipper-SEE Examiner
Groundwater Loggers
A range of groundwater loggers for measurements of depth, water level and electrical conductivity. These can be connected to remote monitoring stations
vanEssen Divers
Heron dipperLog
Groundwater Consumables - Bailers
Available in 38mm and 18mm options for well sampling.
ECO Bailer Pro
Stainless Steel Bailer
Groundwater Consumables - Filters
A range of filters are available for all your sampling requirements
Hydroline Filter
Luer Lock Filters & Syringes
Nalgene Filter Flasks
Groundwater Consumables - Pump Accessories
Waterra Foot Valves
Tubing, Bladders & Pump Accessories
Remote Monitoring
Our monitoring stations can be used with a range of monitoring sensors including dust, noise, vibration, weather, gas detection and groundwater.