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EXO1 Multiparameter Sonde

EXO1 Multiparameter Sonde



The EXO advanced water quality monitoring platform includes the versatile multiparameter EXO1 sonde for estuarine, surface water, or ground water applications.

Smart Sondes and Sensors

Extremely versatile instrument, allowing the user to automatically configure a sonde with different sensor for different applications in minutes.

Features & Benefits

  • High-accuracy sensors with on-board memory
  • Wireless communications
  • Fast response times for profiling and sampling
  • Seamless integration into marine, estuarine, freshwater and ground water monitoring systems
  • Wet-mateable connectors resist corrosion
  • Isolated components prevent short circuits
  • Welded housings and double o-rings prevent leaks
  • High-impact plastic and titanium resists breaking
  • Built-in antifouling systems protect data integrity
  • Low power consumption extends underwater deployments


  • Water Quality Monitoring

Technical Specifications

Product Specifications Description
Depth/Pressure Rating/Limit 0 to 250 m (0 to 820 ft)
Size Diameter – 4.70 cm (1.85 in)
Length – 64.77 cm (25.50 in)
Weight 1.42 kg (3.15 lbs)
Weight 1.42 kg (3.15 lbs)
Operating Temperature -5 to +50°C
Power 2 Alkaline Batteries
Battery Life 90 days*
Storage Temperature -20 to +80°C
Sensor Ports 4
Memory 512 MB total Memory, > 1000000 logged readings
Peripheral Ports 1 power communication port
Warranty: 1 yr Optical DO membranes and replaceable reagent modules for pH and pH/ORP
Warranty: 2 yrs Cables; sonde bulkheads; handheld; conductivity, temperature, depth, and optical sensors; electronics base for pH, pH/ORP, ammonium, chloride, and nitrate sensors; and accessories

*Typically 90 days at 20˚C at 15-minute logging interval; temperature/conductivity, pH/ORP, DO, and turbidity sensors installed on EXO1. Battery life is heavily dependent on sensor configuration.

EXO Parameter Measured Sensor** Range Accuracy Resolution
Ammonia (freshwater only) Ammonia Sensor 0 to 200 mg/L (0 to 30˚C) ±10% of reading or 2 mg/L-N, w.i.g. 0.01mg/L
Barometric Pressure Integral Barometer Integral Barometer ±1.5 mmHg from 0 to 50°C 0.1 mmHg
Blue-green Algae, Phycocyanin Total Algae Sensor 0 to 100 μg/L;
0 to 100 RFU;
Linearity: R2 >0.999 for serial dilution of Rhodamine WT solution from 0 to 100 μg/mL BGA-PC equivalents 0.01 μg/L;
0.01 RFU
(freshwater only)
Chloride Sensor 0 to 18000 mg/L-Cl (0 to 30˚C) ±15% of reading or 5 mg/L-Cl, w.i.g. 0.01mg/L
Chlorophyll Total Algae Sensor 0 to 400 μg/L Chl;
0 to 100 RFU
Linearity: R2 >0.999 for serial dilution of Rhodamine WT solution from 0 to 400 μg/L Chl a equivalents 0.01 μg/L Chl;
0.01 RFU
Conductivity 1 Conductivity / Temperature Sensor 0 to 200 mS/cm 0 to 100: ±0.5% of reading or 0.001 mS/cm, w.i.g.;
100 to 200: ±1% of reading
0.0001 to 0.01 mS/cm (range dependent)
Depth - 250 m Integral, Non-vented Depth Sensor3 0 to 250 m
(0 to 820 ft)
±0.04% FS (±0.10 m or ±0.33 ft) 0.001 m (0.001 ft)
Dissolved Oxygen, % air saturation Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor 0 to 500%
air saturation
0 to 200%: ±1% of reading or 1% saturation, w.i.g.;
200 to 500%: ±5% of reading 4
0.1% air saturation
Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor 0 to 50 mg/L 0 to 20 mg/L: ±0.1 mg/L or 1% of reading, w.i.g.;
20 to 50 mg/L: ±5% of reading 4
0.01 mg/L
(freshwater only)
Nitrate Sensor 0 to 200 mg/L-N (0 to 30˚C) ±10% of reading or 2 mg/L-N, w.i.g. 0.01 mg/L
pH pH Sensor
pH/ORP Sensor
0 to 14 units ±0.1 pH units within ±10˚C of calibration temp;
±0.2 pH units for entire temp range7
0.01 units
ORP pH/ORP Sensor -999 to 999 mV ±20 mV in Redox standard solution 0.1 mV
Temperature Conductivity / Temperature -5 to 35°C
35 to 50°C
0.001 °C
Turbidity9 Turbidity Sensor 0 to 4000 FNU 0 to 999 FNU: 0.3 FNU or ±2% of reading, w.i.g.;
1000 to 4000 FNU: ±5% of reading10
0 to 999 FNU = 0.01 FNU;
1000 to 4000 FNU = 0.1 FNU
Salinity Calculated from Conductivity and Temperature11 0 to 70 ppt ±1.0% of reading or 0.1 ppt, w.i.g. 0.01 ppt
Specific Conductance Calculated from Conductivity and Temperature11 0 to 200 mS/cm ±0.5% of reading or .001 mS/cm, w.i.g. 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 mS/cm
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Calculated from Conductivity and Temperature11 0 to 100,000 mg/L
Cal constant range
0.30 to 1.00
(0.64 default)
Not Specified Variable
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Calculated from Conductivity and Temperature11 0 to 70 ppt Not Specified Variable

**Specifications indicate typical performance and are subject to change. All sensors have a depth rating to 250 m (820 ft), except shallow and medium depth sensors, ammonium, chloride, and nitrate. Accuracy specification is attained immediately following calibration under controlled and stable environmental conditions. Performance in the natural environment may vary from quoted specification.
w.i.g. = whichever is greater
