Dormer Auger Accessories
At ECO we understand that hand augering is not an activity most people would like to be doing on a hot summers day. To make your job easier, a range of Dormer accessories are available to suit the standard soil augers and specialised soil samplers.

Dormer Extension Rods
Dormer extension roads are available in 1m and 1.5m lengths in aluminium, stainless steel and painted steel. Dormer extension rods compliment a range of Dormer equipment including auger heads and core samplers. Used with a Dormer T-Handle, Dormer extension rods make a perfect light weight addition to your hand auger kit.
Dormer T-Handles
Used to manually turn an auger shaft, Dormer T-Handles are available in both 470mm and 600mm lengths. Larger T-Handle length means more leverage in rough conditions however in enclosed spaces, the smaller 470mm T-Handle may be more appropriate.

Dormer Adapters
Used for adapting from one thread type to another, Dormer T-Handles are available in any Dormer Combination.
Dormer Tommy Bars
Dormer Tommy Bars are used to undo threaded joints. In addition Tommy bars can be used as a tool to clear an auger of soil, or to prevent an auger from falling into a bore.

Dormer Star Drills & Chisels
Dormer Star Drills and Chisels are the perfect compliment to any Dormer Auger Kit. Designed for breaking up hard layers of stones, these accessories are best used with the Dormer Slide Hammer and Stone Catcher.
Dormer Slide Hammer
The Dormer Slide Hammer makes sampling in hard soils easy. Used in conjunction with the Dormer Star Drill and Chisels and/or Dormer Stone Catcher, the Dormer Slide Hammer comes with a special threaded T-Handle so you wont loose your auger equipment into your bore. By lifting and lowering the slide hammer repeatedly, you can power your way through even the hardest soils.

Dormer Stone Catcher
As its name suggests, the Dormer Stone Catcher is used to collect small stones and loose material from the bottom of your bore. The Dormer Stone Catcher is small and lightweight allowing the user to carry it as part of a larger auger kit. When ready to use, the Dormer Stone Catcher simply replaces any Dormer cutting head and removes unwanted material from the bore.
Dormer Bore Protector
Sick and tired of auger a hole only for the upper soil profile to fall back in? The Dormer Bore Protector is the answer! Designed to cover the upper levels of your bore as you auger, the Dormer Bore Protector supports the top soil profile in dry loose sand and/or very wet soils. The unit consists of a one meter long aluminium tube with a fitted cover that simply slides over the top of your auger shank.

Dormer Carry Bag
Made from heavy duty canvas with reinforced ends, the Dormer Carry Bag is the perfect way to transport your auger equipment. The Carry bag comes complete with two heavy duty leather belts and a heavy duty steel handle and can be used to carry a standard auger kit (two auger heads, six extensions, T-Handle & Tommy Bars) with room to spare.